Bashgal Valley

The Bashgal Valley is geographical feature of Nuristan Province, Afghanistan, formed by the Bashgal River, which empties into the Kunar river at Arundu and Chigar-Serai.[1]


During the period of British influence in the 19th century, the Bashgal Valley was considered part of Chitral state.[2]

In the 1980s, Salafist cleric Mawlawi Afzal founded the Islamic Revolutionary State of Afghanistan in Bashgal, which established consulates in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.[3]


  1. ^ The Encyclopædia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature and General Information. By Hugh Chisholm. Edition: 11. The Encyclopædia Britannica Co., 1911. vol. 15, pg 631. [1]
  2. ^ India and Afghanistan, 1876-1907: a study in diplomatic relations. By Singhaī. Damodar Prasad. University of Queensland Press, 1963. Pg 154
  3. ^ *Robert D. Crews, Amin Tarzi. The Taliban and the crisis of Afghanistan. Harvard University Press, 2008. ISBN 067402690X, 9780674026902. Pg 338.